
Hey readers.. Before i begin, i feel like clarifying 1 thing.. Do u see that book that i'm holding in the About Me picture? Right hand Iced Blended Caramel Coffee Bean (which most probably i'm gonna buy like tomorrow cuz it's been ages since i had one), and left hand a book? Yeah it says She's so Money for those who can't read.. i mean see. Anyway, here's d thing.. i just love books.. i can sit alone for hours in a bookstore just reading and do nothing.. And frankly that book was bought like 10 mins before d picture was taken by my beloved cousin.. (She's cute btw.. ;) ) So why am i telling u this? Because a "bird" told me that anyone (especially strangers) who's readin' my blog and see my photo could think that i'm so into money which i'm not.. (but they could also think so since i'm explaining this.. Aii people are so complicated..)
Erm, moving on.. I should be studying right now.. cuz it's finals. But i'm so caught up in laziness.. My first-and-only final paper is on 16th June 2010.. 1 paper only babe! (it's a short semester, fyi) But still.. we students are capable of multi-tasking.. Studying, facebook-ing, blogging, texting and chatting all at once! very productive u see.. hehe... okie-dokie! gtg now.. wish me luck people.. Daa~~


S.L.O.T.H ???

means laziness, sorta.. malas nk study time ni.. hehe

Update lah syira! It's been one month already since ur last post...what happened to the post that you were writing that night??

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