Today I'm officially a 4th year student of IIUM.. That means this is my last semester of classes and then 6 months of internship, then I'm outta here.. Should I be happy, sad, or frightened? All of the above I must say.. Happy cuz I'm gonna be a degree holder soon, frightened to enter career world and sad cuz I'll leave campus life, no longer a student, and on top of that, no more angpau on Hari Raya! Waa~
I only left with 3 subjects and a Final Year Project (FYP).. Come to think of it, I really didn't notice spending years in here.. But then again, who does right? Yesterday I was just a freshie, making new friends, getting lost to go to classes, and today I'm a senior! How's that for a change? As today is the first day of new semester, department offices are packed! Not just that, they all waiting in front of the lecturers room just to get the lecturers' signatures.. And I'm here just watching, passing by with a smile on my face.. (Been there, done that! Eheh..)
So, GOOD LUCK everyone.. May this semester brings us new spirit for us to work harder and be smarter in dealing matters.. (Did I just rapping?) All praises to Allah.. Wassalam ♥